👋 Hi there, I’m Pedro Iturria

ICC award ceremony 🧔🏻I’m a final year graduate at University of Ottawa.

🥸 My research interests include several topics that intertwine Machine Learning and Next-Generation Wireless Networks.

📔 I’m currently at my last year (4th Year! 💪) of my PhD in the field AI-Enabled Next Generation Wireless Networks.

News (2023~)

  1. (Aug 4th, 2023) Accepted paper in IEEE Globecom’23 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. (Jun 26th, 2023) Accepted paper in IEEE MASS’23 in Toronto, Canada
  3. (Jun 14th, 2023) Accepted paper in IEEE PIMRC’23 in Toronto, Canada
  4. (Jun 2023) 🏆🏆 Received two best papers awards in IEEE ICC’23 in Rome, Italy.
  5. (Jan 2023) 4 papers accepted in IEEE ICC’23.

Research Experience

  1. (Sept 2020 - Jun 2024) PhD Researcher collaborating with Mitacs/ Ciena/ Ericsson/ NetExperience, uOttawa (NETCORE Lab) and University of Bologna.

Graduate research assistant working on Mitacs projects with industry partners to develop innovative solutions in AI-Enabled Next Generation Wireless Networks. Topics include:

  • Load Balancing and Traffic Steering in 5G and beyond.
  • Handover in Multi-RAT Networks (4G & 5G).
  • Spatial Reuse in Next Generation Wi-Fi Networks (Wi-Fi 6 and 7)
  • Access Point and Channel Selection in Multi-Link Operation Wi-Fi 7 networks
  • Optimization of XR traffic in 5G NR.
  • Uplink Scheduling in Federated Learning.
  • Beam management in 5G NR.
  • Applied AI in Open RAN.
  • Reinforcement learning, Multi-agent Systems, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, distributed learning (split, federated), sequential and parallel transfer learning, meta-learning.
  1. (Jan 2017 - Jan 2019) MSc. Researcher at Instituto Politcnico Nacional.

Graduate research assistant working on Color Science related topics to correct color interpretation in commercial cameras used to detect anomalyies in cancer tissue

  • Developed a software and measuring settings using spectrometry and Machine Learning to correct color aberrations in commercial cameras.
  • (Sept-Oct, 2018) Visited the Computational Spectral Imaging Research Group as Spectral Imaging Researcher in University of Eastern Finland Inc., Joensuu, Finland

Work Experience

  1. (Jan-May, 2023) Cloud RAN Baseband Developer. Ericsson Inc, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
  2. (Sep 2015 - Jan 2017) Main IT Security Specialist and professor, UCLV, Cuba.
  3. (Sep 2014 - Jan 2017) Full Stack Web Developer, UCLV, Cuba.


  1. (2020-2024) Doctorate in Electrical and Computer Engineering, NetCore Lab, University of Ottawa, ON, Canada.
  2. (2017-2019) MSc. in Electronics, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Biophotonics Lab, Mexico City, Mexico.
  3. (2010-2015) BSc. in Telecommunications and Electronics, Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba.


  1. (2020-2024) International Doctoral Scholarship – uOttawa, Canada.
  2. (2021-2024) Admission Scholarship - uOttawa, Canada.
  3. (2017-2019) National Scholarship CONACYT - IPN, Mexico.


  • Programming Languages: Python, C++, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL Julia, Bash,
  • Programming Frameworks: Pytorch, OpenCV, Tensorflow, Pandas, Numpy, Weights and Biases, Linux, Git, Jenkins, Latex, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Bootstrap, Matplotlib, Seaborn.
  • Technologies: Test Automation, Linux, Networking, Wireless Simulators, ns-3, Omnet++, Reinforcement Learning.


  • English (Professional Proficiency)
  • Spanish (Native)
  • French (Basic Proficiency)